Friday, October 28, 2011

Liebster Blog Award

I am truly honored to be awarded the LIEBSTER BLOG award, thanks so much to:

'Liebster' means 'favorite' or 'dearest' in German. This award, which originated in Germany, recognizes up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. 

In accepting the award, the recipient agrees to: 

Thank the person that gave the award and link back to their blog.

Copy and paste the award to your blog
Reveal the 5 blogs you have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog.

Hope they pay it forward by accepting and awarding it to bloggers they would like to honor.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Hello blog-fest readers,  my second trilingual book is not yet available.  The book will be available soon.  I will make an announcement once I get word from my publisher.  Thank you for your patience.  Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Have you ever fought with your sibling? I think we all have at one point or another.  All healthy relationships will encounter disagreements, but staying angry indefinitely is not the way to handle things. I believe in being honest, but I also think forgiveness and moving forward should be part of the mix.  A few years ago, I wrote a poem expressing my thoughts on the issue of forgiveness and moving forward.  I would like to share this poem with you all.

Brother, sister Oh! How I wish
we were close.  It would be
grandiose if we could have
a nose-to-nose talk like old times.

Brother, sister those days were
simply divine.  Heaven knows
I would do anything to dispose
of those bad blows we have
imposed on each other.

Brother, sister I suppose it will not
be easy to erase our woes, but
as the saying goes in life, we
all have our lows.

Brother, sister I want to say
adios to those bad days, and
I strongly propose that we
move forward to the grandiose
times that we once shared.

I would love to hear your thoughts on how you handled forgiving a sibling and what you did to move forward.