Friday, October 26, 2012


It is never too early to get your child on the right track.  I believe young children should be given the opportunity to study a second language, by the time they enter kindergarten.   What better way to help your child see the world through a global lens than to encourage him/ her to learn about a new culture and new language.

Young children acquire a new language at a much faster rate than adults do.  Many school districts across the country have dual language schools available. 

I am a huge proponent for second language acquisition because I have firsthand experience on how students benefits from such exposure.   I am a high school French and Spanish teacher.  I also have the honor to teach several exchange students from Germany, Zurich, Korea, Japan, and Brazil.  These students are fluent in at least three languages.  They are spending the year in the United States, so they can perfect their English skills.    The key to their success is a foreign language was made available to them as early as third grade.  Teaching these students has ignited a burning desire deep in my soul. I will do my best to promote the learning of a second language.

I have been called to a mission, and I am happy to say that I have answered that call.  My two trilingual children’s picture books   were written to help make it easy and fun to introduce a foreign language to a young child. I am hugely encouraged that I will be able to reach a much wider audience, thanks to Literary Classics International Book Awards & Reviews.  My second book, My Sister is My Best Friend was nominated for the gold seal in the special category: Female audience.

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  You can learn about Literary Classics by visiting their site:

Why should your child learn French or Spanish?  Here are a few reasons why you should have your child enroll in either French or Spanish or any other language of your choice.
  • Communicate with other peoples and cultures
  • Improve your command of English
  • Develop critical-thinking  skills
  • Participate in the global community of the future
  • Open doors to the arts
Imagine the possibilities for your child once he or she starts to learn a new way to communicate.
 The best minds do not just answer questions- they ask them. Do not waiver; enroll your child in a foreign language today!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


So very happy to announce that my book, My Sister Is My Best Friend is a finalist in the literary classic award program.  Read press release below for details.

For Immediate Release
October 1, 2012
Literary Classics

RAPID CITY, SD – Literary Classics announced its 2012 selection of top book finalists for children and young adults today.  The list includes finalists from entries received all over the world.  The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize the following titles in children’s and young adult literature which exemplify the criteria set forth by the Literary Classics Awards committee.
A list of the 2012 award finalists follows:
Animalogy: Animalogy Analogies, Marianne Berkes
Fantastic Flight, Barbara Bockman
Black & White, Larry Dane Brimner
The King’s Ransom, Cheryl Carpinello
Walking Through Walls, Karen Cioffi
Shield Maiden, Richard Denning
Terple Always Dream Bigger, Richie Frieman
Return to Finkleton, KC Hilton
The Casting, Joyce Shor Johnson
Griffin Rising, Darby Karchut
The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt, Elizabeth Cody Kimmel
Drawn, Marie Lamba
A Box Story, Kenneth Kit Lamug
The Limit, Kristen Landon
Santa & The Little Teddy Bear, Peter John Lucking
Beautiful Wild Rose Girl, B. Magnolia
Bella & Harry Let’s Visit Athens!  Lisa Manzione
Bella & Harry Let’s Visit Cairo!  Lisa Manzione
Bella & Harry Let’s Visit London!  Lisa Manzione
Shelby & Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes, PHC Marchesi
Caves, Cannons and Crinolines, Beverly Stowe McClure
Runaway Twins, Pete Palamountain
The Stone Child, Dan Poblocki
Clara’s Great War, Evelyn Rothstein
In Memory of Dad, Maranda Russell
Young Funny and Unbalanced, David Smithyman
Sh Sh Sh Let the Baby Sleep, Kathy Stemke
The Crystal Ship, CJ Carter-Stephenson
The Great Divide, Suzanne Slade
One Pelican at a Time, Nancy Stewart
Sea Turtle Summer, Nancy Stewart
The Orphan Ship, Sterling R. Walker
My Sister is My Best Friend, Nicole Weaver
All final award levels and categories will be announced October 15, 2012.
Literary Classics, an organization dedicated to furthering excellence in literature, takes great pride in its role to help promote classic children’s literature which appeals to youth, while educating and encouraging positive values in the impressionable young minds of future generations.  Judging is based upon the criteria set forth by Literary Classics’ highly selective awards committee which honors books promoting character, vision, creativity and learning, through content which possesses the key elements found in well-crafted literature.
The Literary Classics judging committee consists of experts with backgrounds in publishing, writing, editing, design, illustration, and book reviewing.   To learn more about Literary Classics, visit their website at