Friday, October 26, 2012


It is never too early to get your child on the right track.  I believe young children should be given the opportunity to study a second language, by the time they enter kindergarten.   What better way to help your child see the world through a global lens than to encourage him/ her to learn about a new culture and new language.

Young children acquire a new language at a much faster rate than adults do.  Many school districts across the country have dual language schools available. 

I am a huge proponent for second language acquisition because I have firsthand experience on how students benefits from such exposure.   I am a high school French and Spanish teacher.  I also have the honor to teach several exchange students from Germany, Zurich, Korea, Japan, and Brazil.  These students are fluent in at least three languages.  They are spending the year in the United States, so they can perfect their English skills.    The key to their success is a foreign language was made available to them as early as third grade.  Teaching these students has ignited a burning desire deep in my soul. I will do my best to promote the learning of a second language.

I have been called to a mission, and I am happy to say that I have answered that call.  My two trilingual children’s picture books   were written to help make it easy and fun to introduce a foreign language to a young child. I am hugely encouraged that I will be able to reach a much wider audience, thanks to Literary Classics International Book Awards & Reviews.  My second book, My Sister is My Best Friend was nominated for the gold seal in the special category: Female audience.

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  You can learn about Literary Classics by visiting their site:

Why should your child learn French or Spanish?  Here are a few reasons why you should have your child enroll in either French or Spanish or any other language of your choice.
  • Communicate with other peoples and cultures
  • Improve your command of English
  • Develop critical-thinking  skills
  • Participate in the global community of the future
  • Open doors to the arts
Imagine the possibilities for your child once he or she starts to learn a new way to communicate.
 The best minds do not just answer questions- they ask them. Do not waiver; enroll your child in a foreign language today!


  1. This is a fantastic post! Thanks so much for sharing and I can't agree more about encouraging children to have a global perspective in which they view the world. All the best - Monica

  2. Thanks Monica for the nice comment. I am very appreciative for your input.

  3. Hi Nicole,

    Thank you so much for linking into the Kid Lit Blog Hop. I'm now following you via Twitter and GFC (I already follow you via FB). I've tweeted about this post to help spread the word!

    You are preaching to the converted, sista! My kids are enrolled in French Immersion (spanish is not so popular here in Canada). I am completely bilingual and there was never an issue of my children being bilingual. I think the benefits are countless. I agree with what you are saying about people in other countries, and Europe in particular, where everybody knows 3 or 4 languages! We are privileged enough in North America to have the opportunity to learn more than one language. Everybody should be all over that!

  4. What an interesting book. A little young for my students, but I'll see if my library has it. I was a Latin teacher... you have the second best job in the world. (The first is being a librarian!)

  5. Congatulations! My Sister is My Best Friend looks like a great book. I loved your trailer.
