Sunday, December 6, 2015


For the 2015 Christmas season, be sure to add these newly published  books to your Santa list, they will make great stocking stuffers! My publisher, Lynda Burch  of Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. has cornered the market when it comes to publishing great quality books for children.    Click on the links below  each book to purchase ! Happy holidays!



Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Magic of Christmas!

Christmas is my favorite holiday .  This magical holiday brings joy to my heart, and this year I am especially happy to have read two great books about the true meaning of Christmas.  See my reviews below! Happy holidays to all!

A Christmas Kindness, by author C.C. Gevry, brought tears to my eyes. This story touched me in so many ways because it is a story that chronicles what Christmas is all about.

Unfortunately, current culture has turned Christmas into a money making machine, but A Christmas Kindness will remind the reader that Christmas is more about giving than receiving.

Eight-year-old Robert arrives in the mall with his mom to tell Santa what’s on his list, but have a life changing experience when he meets a boy named Glenn.

Robert’s change of heart and actions demonstrate that a child is capable of making decisions that will make his/her parents very proud.  It brings to mind that children often model what they learn from an adult, and we should be careful with our actions.

Caroline Mahey’s vivid illustrations help bring the characters to life.   A Christmas Kindness will make a great stocking stuffer.   This delightful story can be a great resource when teaching young children about the true meaning of Christmas.   It should be a part of every school and church library.

Visit the author's website for more information 

Little Shepherd written by author Cheryl C. Malandrinos is a great retelling of Luke 2:8-16. Five-year-old Obed has the honor of hearing about the Savior’s birth.  The Angels came with the outstanding message to send the shepherds to see the newborn baby, but Obed is having second thoughts because he does not want to abandon his sheep. 

This well written story is a must read in all homes as it can teach young children about responsibility and obedience.

I love the underlying message that one always benefits when you trust God.   Through trust and obedience Obed was able to experience first-hand how God can bring about miracles even in difficult situations.

This delightful book will be a great addition to any church library. 

To get more information visit the author's website.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Book Review, Dee and Deb Off They Go : Kindergarten First Day Jitters by Donna M. McDine

I love quality books that teach children about every day life. Multi-award-winning author, Donna M. McDine has done a great job with her newest release, Dee and Deb Off They Go : Kindergarten First Day Jitters.

My Review:

Dee and Deb Off They Go Kindergarten First Day Jitters by Donna M. McDine tells the perfect story of twin sisters and the anxiety they experience going off to school for the first time.

Dee and Deb are not alone when it comes to feeling overwhelmed when separating from a sibling who is your best friend and playmate. This charming story will help young children understand that going off to school can be a fun experience. Dee comes to realize she can make friends and all is well even without her sister Deb.

This book is a must read in all kindergarten classrooms. The teacher can use the book to help defuse anxiety about being away from home and siblings for the first time.

Jack Foster’s lovely illustrations complement the story, helping to bring the characters to life for the reader.

For more information about Donna's newest release please visit her Website

Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 2015 Guardian Angel Publishing Releases

It is always a great pleasure to feature the books of people I know and admire on this blog. Today I am elated to do a post about Guardian Angel Publishing newly released children's books for May 2015.

The Baked Potato Boy

Wings of Faith

Dorris Fortson

Elliott was abandoned at the hospital in Tanzania, weighing only 1.65 lbs. His first four months were spent in a hospital bed because he was so tiny. Elliot was Neema’s House Orphanage’ Baked Potato Boy in this true story.

Academic Wings

By Melanie Lutes, illustrator Eugene Ruble

Bolt, a passenger train, can maintain speeds of 140 mph between Boston, MA and Washington, DC so the railway superintendent renames his line the Amtrak Acela

Grammy’s Gnocchi—Do dogs go to heaven?
Wings of Faith
by Patricia Karwatowicz, illustrator Kathleen Bullock

Why do pets have to die? Do pets go to heaven? Nicholas learns some answers through “memory keepers” and “adding the love” to Grammy’s gnocchi. Gnocchi recipe included.

Heaven Holds Little Samuel Tippie-Toes
Wings of Faith
by Arianne Brynn Carpenter, illlustrator Kim Merritt

Little Samuel is going to heaven, and it makes his family sad. Memories in a memory jar and whispers you hear with your heart give them all a little hope.

Health & Hygiene
by Jill Dana Siegel
A poetic look at friendship through ups and downs: sharing and imagining books, feeling well and unwell, and visiting each other. Through mixed-media clay illustrations, this book examines the narrator’s experience through a unique lens.

My Dog
Angelic Harmony hardcover and softcover
by Keith Behunin
A fun filled tale about a dog that liked to escape and explore and whose love transcended life itself. It follows a song and music video performed by Cedar Breaks® full of kids and puppies.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Finalist in Colorado Authors' League

So happy to announce that my book, My Brother Is My Best Friend is a finalist in the Colorado Author's League.  Check out an article posted in the Denver Post.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Cinderella's Secret Slipper by Award winning author, Alinka Rutkowska

 I just read the most delightful book, and wanted to share my review with you all.  This is a sweet book that will ring a lot of joy  and smiles to all that read this great story.  Check out my review below:

A delightful story that will enchant the little ones in your life!  Award-winning author, Alinka Rutkowska has turned a classic story into a new classic with a modern twist.  Brilliant idea on the author's part.  The number one thing that resonates well with me with this story: It teaches the benefit of having a forgiving heart. Great way to teach kids that even when they make a mistake, one can find a safe solution. It is not necessary to use violence when kids do  foolish things. Lastly, the story teaches about family love, which has become a lost commodity in today's world.

Buy the book here     Author's Website