Thursday, May 10, 2012

Welcome to day four of Children’s Book Week Celebration
Finding Your Niche Market

The children’s book market is by far the most competitive market. How do you find your niche market? This is a million-dollar question. Let’s first define what a niche market is: A niche market is composed of individuals and businesses that have similar interests and needs. Once you identify the market, you can concentrate and zero in on the specific target audience.

For example, my two children’s picture books: Marie and Her Friend the Sea Turtle and My Sister is My Best Friend are both trilingual books written in English, French and Spanish. I have many target businesses that I can contact that might be interested in buying my books.

Here’s a list: 

  •  Spanish Immersion Schools 
  •  Before and after school  day-care centers
  •  Spanish Immersion  Summer  Day camps
  •  All elementary schools that offer Spanish or French.
  • Adult centers that offer English as a second language 
I am scheduling author presentations with the above businesses.    Being published is the first step; no one will buy your book if you do not market it.

In celebration of children’s book week, I encourage you to think about who is your target audience.   I am certain there are many children who need  to read your book;  you just need to go out and find the right place to market and sell your book.  Think of your book as the most important book that all children must read.   This is a great affirmation that will help you remain resolute in your quest to market your book.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Love your marketing ideas...especially the day cares...never thought of that!

  2. Marketing in your niche market is so important. Thanks for the great tips, Nicole. Many books do well if their potential niche markets are exploited to the full. Reading this will help authors do a better job of it.

    BOOKS for KIDS - Manuscript Critiques

    1. Margot,

      Thanks for stopping by. Due to time , I have yet to exploit to the full my niche market. I am planning on doing a full blast exploitation during the month of June, can't wait.
